April Jobs in the Garden
Sow your seeds
The biggest job in April for me has to be sowing seeds, pricking out and potting on. I love to grow and always over order seeds (an occupational hazard for the flower grow like me) I then struggle where to get them going and where they will then be planted in the garden.
I sow some seeds in trays and pots and have them stored in large plastic boxes that I can put the lids on if required, but I do a lot of direct sowing in April as, in theory, the soil should be warming up. This simply means sowing seeds into the garden, rather than in seed trays - handy if you are lacking in space like me.
Test your soil
However, as I write this at the beginning on April, we are still inside with the fire on as outside is still bitterly cold. A good way is to either place your hand on the soil and feel its temperature or weed growth is a good indication of how the soil is warming up. One of the old methods I have had suggested to me is to sit on the soil and bottom test the warmth! I’ve never been quite brave enough to try it though.
Mix up the Annuals
I love growing annuals from seed and a mixture of flowers and grasses, I also grow half hardy annuals and some perennials. The things I am drawn to are usually of the paler palette and things that can be cut, stored and dried.
Pot up Dahlia Tubers
April for me is also the time to get the stored Dahlia tubers going and I will be potting them up into compost soon. This year I will also be taking the knife to the larger tubers and dividing them.
Tidy up
There are always general jobs to be done in the garden and tidying up is always one of them. April is also the month that cutting the grass on a regular basis starts and if it ever stops raining, watering will commence.
What blooms in April?
My favourite in the April garden have to be firstly the stunning array of Tulips in all their forms and colours; the delicate Snakehead Fritillaries; the Flowering currents (which have scented memories of childhood for me) and all the beautiful blossoms.