There are so many beautiful spring flowers it can be overwhelming knowing what to plant when.
But with a bit of planning, you can easily have a plant in flower throughout the early months of the year and enjoy flowers all season long.
I'm often asked what to plant to have flowers all spring, so these are my recommendations for having flowers from the beginning of the year through to May.
January Flowers
January flowers are Jasmine, Mahonia, Vibernum and Witchhazels.
February Flowers
February Flowers are Snowdrops, Cyclamen, Iris Reticulatas and Helebores.
March Flowers
March flowers are Daffodils, Crocus, Magnolia Stellata, Lily of the Valley, Forsythia and Camellias.
April Flowers
April flowers are Tulips, Flowering Cherries, Crab Apples, Magnolias, Flowering Currents, Pulmonaria,and Snakeshead Fritillaries.
May Flowers
May flowers are Rhododendrons, Clematis, Sweet William, Wisteria, Euphorbia, Alliums and Geums.